Books and Catalogues

Giles, Jenne. The Aesthetica Art Prize 2014 100 Contemporary Artists Aesthetica Publishing, York, UK. 92. Print.

Giles, Jenne.  Felt Fashion: Couture Projects from Garments to Accessories. New York: Quarry/Rockport. 2010.

Gutfreund, Karen. "Bound" curated by Cora Rosevear for Women’s Caucus for Art: Phoenix Gallery, New York, NY. 61. Catalog.

Kreuter , Holly. Drama in the Desert. California: Raised Barn Press, 2003.

Mornu, Nathelie.  500 Felt Objects.  North Carolina: Lark Crafts, 2011.

Nash, A.Leo. Burning Man: Art in the Desert. New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 2007.

Salamony, Sandra, and Gina M. Brown. 1000 Artisan Textiles. New York: Quarry/Rockport, 2010.

Syracuse, Maleyne. Considering The Kylix: Contemporary Interpretations of a Classical Form. New Jersey: Peters Valley School of Craft. 2014.

Articles and Reviews

Giles, Jenne. "Striking a New Balance." Felt Matters Issue 131. England, UK. September. Print.

Baude, Dawn_Michelle. “CAC’s latest juried exhibition suggests the direction of our species.” Las Vegas Weekly 22, May 2013: Print.

Curiel, Jonathan. “Far beyond pool tables: Jenne Giles.” SF Weekly 6-12 February 2013: 10. Print.

Curiel, Jonathan. “Masterminds 2013: The Shape, Texture, and Attitude of Emerging Bay Area Art; Jenne Giles: Far Beyond Pool Tables.” SF Weekly V. 32, N. 3 6-12 Feb 2013: 10. Print.

Ford, Dave. "The Flowering Inferno: Blazing Buds to Brighten Burning Man.” San Francisco Chronicle 23 Aug 2002: E1+. Print.

Forker, Jennifer. “Wool roving, soap, water – and imagination – are all it takes to start felting.” Associated Press (Washington Post, Seattle Times) 2 Nov 2011. Print.

Giles, Jenne and Paul Cesewski. “Lotus-Land and the Water Lily Ballroom." Leonardo MIT Press August 40.4 (2007): 323-326. Print.

Giles, Jenne. “Mastering Feltmaking: A Journey to an Open Destination.” Ornament Magazine 32.2 (Jan. 2009): 52-55. Print.

Giles, Jenne. “Meet the Feltmaker: My Favorite Things.” Felt Issue 9 (June. 2013): 46-47. Print.

Giles, Jenne and Philip Bonham. “The Ribcage." Leonardo MIT Press October 36.5 (2003): 360-360. Print.

Kaesmayr, Marion and Jenne Giles. “From Metal to Wool.” FilzFun 35 (Summer 2012): cover 26-29. Print.

Kristen, Christine. “Reconnecting Art and Life at Burning Man.” Raw Vision 57 (Winter 2006): 88-93. Print.

Rubin, Sylvia. “Felt in Fashion on Runways and in Interiors.” San Francisco Chronicle 13 Nov 2011: E1+. Print.

VIDEO: “Jesus, Mohammed & Buddha” Dir. Amy Teuteberg. EGG Production episode 315: WNET New York. Video.  Feb. 14 2000.

VIDEO: “Popoganda: The Art & Crimes of Ron English.” Dir. Pedro Carvajal. Cinema Libre Studio. Video. 2005

Selected Website Listings
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Giles, Jenne with Rhonda Lane Coleman. "Wooly Wonders." groundworkARTS. Sept 28, 2024. Web.

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Marks, Anna. "Duchamp's Urinal Is a Lot Funnier in Felt." The Creators Project, Vice. Feb 5, 2017. Web.